We Don't Just Build ASH Homes, We Live In Them

We live the Dream

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Ever wonder about the car dealer who is selling Ford or Chevy trucks and drives home in a Porsche? 


At Advanced Systems Homes, we don’t just build our homes, we live in some of them.  Pictured along with this blog is a real house; it was taken using a drone flying over the Osa Martin subdivision in Chanute, Kansas. That house is beautiful and it was built by Advanced Systems Homes and the people who live inside are part owners of ASH.

What better way to test the quality of construction, the energy efficiency of the appliances and the HVAC system and the useability of the floor plan than to live in it every day?

Most people associate Modular with low quality, mobile home type manufacturing. The Advanced Systems Homes buildings are quite the opposite. They are good quality, excellently constructed homes and offices and they are located all through the Midwest area. You would be hard pressed to tell the difference between an ASH modular home and “stick built” homes.  In fact, ASH homes typically appreciate and appraise as well as is not better than “stick built” homes.

ASH modular homes come pre-built in sections from our factory. Our homes are then transported to the building site on truck beds, and set together using by a large crane and construction workers at the building site. They are finished on location, and must conform to all local, state or regional building codes. A local building inspector will visit the site to inspect the home to ensure its construction adheres to the state or regional requirements and that all finish work was completed safely and up to standard.

This unique method of modular building means that the ASH built home has less chance of damage to its structural members and because weather delays are only a factor when it comes time to “set” the home, they can be reasonably built and placed within 90 days of design completion.

It has been said that the French make the best wine,  drink what they want, and sell the rest.  We have plenty enough of a supply of ASH homes that we can live in one as well as sell one to you! 😊

Contact our team today to get started on your dream “modular” home.